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Fall Harvest - 2022 - Higbee Honey

The Abundant Fall Harvest - 2022

Sep 16, 2022

Mike Higbee

After a grueling dry season in 2021, our blessings multiplied with a moist spring in 2022 which delivered an ample nectar supply during the beginning of honey season.

Rather than decreasing our hive numbers after almond pollination, we decided to maintain their size to reap the benefits of this nectar surge. This decision turned out to be profitable, enabling us to produce twice as much honey compared to the previous year.

While our stocks have increased, we urge you to buy quickly as our locally produced Morgan Valley Wildflower Honey always sells out within a couple of months.

We thank all our customers for their understanding and continuing to buy our other honey specialties and items throughout the rest of the year.